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Welcome to Ingham Bridge Club.

Ingham is known to have had two well supported bridge clubs in the years 1930-32. The CWA Bridge Club was formed in 1930 and by 1931 was the organisations largest single source of income. The Church of England Bridge Club operated on Tuesday evenings. It had sufficient players to have competition in two grades. (QBA website History). There is no further record of the club until it was re-founded by Pam Markwell in the late 1950s. The club then played in the CWA Hall behind the Hinchinbrook Shire Council building. When the CWA Hall was demolished the club played under the house of one of the members - Bob Shepherd. The club had around 12 members during this time. The club moved to the Ingham Bowls Club in 2009. Since 2009 Membership has steadily increased and now stands at 40 members. Visitors are always welcome. Beginner classes have been introduced in the past few years and these have been highly successful in attracting new players. For details, visit our Lessons page. The Club meets every Friday morning from 9am - 1pm and Tuesday evening from 6.30 - 9.30pm. For the latest news and details of upcoming events, see our Coming Events page.

(C) Altosoft and Ingham Bridge Club 2025
Site template developed by Peter Busch, Altosoft
and content managed by Ingham Bridge Club 
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